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English Madrigals
last update: 22 Oct 2014

At the beginning of the list are two older English pieces: Sumer is Icumen In and Deo Gracias Anglia (aka The Agincourt Carol), which have not yet been reliably credited to any particular composer, and aren't of the same type of music, but they are intriguing......

Sumer is icumen in was found in a manuscript from England's Reading Abbey (the words were actually written in the margins of the manuscript next to a liturgical hymn with the same music).

Deo Gracias Anglia (usually known as The Agincourt Carol) appeared in the Chapel Royal collection by the end of Henry V's Normandy campaign of 1415-16. Indeed, the Court Rolls indicate that a John Cook, clerk of the Chapel, "is granted 6s., fore presentyng a songe onn the recente victorie" in January, 1416 (less than three months after the decisive battle), but this is not neccesarily proof of the authorship of this piece.

ComposerTitleSoprano ISoprano IIAlto IAlto IITenor ITenor IIBass IBass IIFull Score
Full Score
(see above discussion) Sumer is Icumen in x x x x x x x x
(see above discussion) Deo Gracias Anglia / The Agincourt Carol x x x x x
Bartlet, John Of All the Birds that I Do Know x x x x x x
Bateson, Thomas Master Bateson hath his own page here
Bennet, John Master Bennet's page is to be found here
Byrd, William Master Byrd hath his own page here
Campion, Thomas My Love Hath Vowed x x x x x x
Cavendish, Michael Come,Gentle Swains x x x x x x
Cornysh, William Please go to Master Cornysh's page here
Dowland, John Please find John Dowland's page here
Dunstable, John O rosa bella x x x x x x
East, Michael Master East's page can be found here
Farmer, John Please go to Master Farmer's page here
Farnaby, Giles See his own page here
Ferrabosco, Alfonso Find Master Alfonso's page from the Italian page or directly here
Ford, Thomas Now I see thy looks were feigned x x x x x x
" Since First I Saw Your Face x x x x x x
x x x x x x

ComposerTitlesecularsacredavailable in
Greaves, Thomas Come Away, Sweet Love x NWC or MIDI
Hilton, John As Flora Slept x NWC or MIDI
" You Lovers that have Loves Astray x NWC or MIDI
Hunt, Thomas Hark! Did ye ever hear? x NWC or MIDI
Jones, Robert Farewell, Dear Love x NWC or MIDI
" Once Did I Serve a Cruel Heart x NWC or MIDI
" Sweet Kate x NWC or MIDI
Kirbye, George Ah, Cruel Hateful Fortune! x NWC or MIDI
" I love, alas, yet I am not Beloved x NWC or MIDI
" Must I part, O my Jewel? x NWC or MIDI
" See What A Maze Of Error x NWC or MIDI
" Sleep Now, My Muse x NWC or MIDI
" Up, Melpomene     Part 1 of 2 x NWC or MIDI
" Why Wail We Thus     Part 2 of 2 x NWC or MIDI
Lichfild, Henry Shall I Seek To Ease My Grief x NWC or MIDI
Morley, Thomas See Thomas Morley's page here
Mundy, John My Prime of Youth     Part 1 of 2 x NWC or MIDI
" In Deep Distress     Part 2 of 2 x NWC or MIDI
" Were I a King x NWC or MIDI
Nicholson, Richard Joan quoth John x NWC or MIDI
Philips, Peter Wherefore Sit I Complaining x NWC or MIDI
Pilkington, Francis Amyntas With His Phyllis Fair x NWC or MIDI
" Have I found Her? x NWC or MIDI
" Palaemon And His Sylvia x NWC or MIDI
" Rest, Sweet Nymphs x NWC or MIDI
" Why Should I Grieve? x NWC or MIDI
" What Though Her Frowns x NWC or MIDI
Power, Leonel Beata progenies x NWC or MIDI
Ramsey, Robert Sleep, Fleshly Birth x NWC or MIDI
Tallis, Thomas If Ye Love Me x NWC or MIDI
" Lamentatio Jeremiae prophetae x NWC or MIDI
Tomkins, Thomas Adieu, Ye City-Pris'ning Towers x NWC or MIDI
" Music Divine x NWC or MIDI
" O, Let Me Live! x NWC or MIDI
" O, Yes! Has Any Found A Lad? x NWC or MIDI
" See, See the Shepherd's Queen x NWC or MIDI
" The Fauns and Satyrs Tripping x NWC or MIDI
" Too Much I Once Lamented x NWC or MIDI
Tudor, Henry (Henry VIII) Pastyme With Good Company x NWC or MIDI
Vautor, Thomas Mother, I Will Have A Husband x NWC or MIDI
" Sweet Suffolk Owl x NWC or MIDI
Ward, John A Satyr Once did Run Away x NWC or MIDI
" Come, Sable Night x NWC or MIDI
" Hope of My Heart x NWC or MIDI
" My Breast I'll Set Upon a Silver Stream x NWC or MIDI
" Out From the Vale x NWC or MIDI
Weelkes, Thomas See the Thomas Weelkes page here
Whythorn, Thomas I Have Ere This Time x NWC or MIDI
Wilbye, John John Wilbye's page is to be found here

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ComposerTitleSoprano ISoprano IIAlto IAlto IITenor ITenor IIBass IBass IIFull Score
Full Score
Dunstable, John Quam pulchra es et quam decora x NWC or MIDI
" Speciosa facta es x NWC or MIDI